Les consultants suivants ont obtenu du ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales le Certificat d'élaboration de stratégies ou de plans à l'intention des exploitations agricoles et sont accrédités pour préparer des stratégies de gestion des éléments nutritifs et des plans de gestion des éléments nutritifs à des fins de soumission à l'Unité des approbations de la Direction de la gestion environnementale.
Régions couvertes | Domicile | Nom | Nom de l'entreprise | Coordonnées |
All of Ontario | Brucefield | Mervyn Erb | Agri-Solve | 519-233-7100 erb@cropadvisory.com |
All of Ontario | Mount Forest | Cleon Martin | 519-591-5342 nutrientplans@gmail.com |
Southwest Ontario | PARKHILL | Arthur van Gameren | DBMC Inc | 519-232-4606 dbmc.arthur@hotmail.com |
Southwest Ontario | Mooretown | Chad Anderson | 519-331-0526 yourfourthman@gmail.com |
Northwest Ontario | Marmora | Jim McComb | 613-395-4840 jimsedge@gmail.com |
Eastern Ontario | Newington | Alan Kruszel | 613-346-1455 alan@agri-source.ca |
Eastern Ontario | Lansdowne | Karen Davis | Crop Quest Inc | 613-532-3347 karen.davis@cropquest.ca |
All of Ontario | Waterloo | Ryan Bayne | GHD | 519-340-4260 ryan.bayne@ghd.com |
All of Ontario | Waterford | Robert Alton | Trillium Agronomics Inc | 519-755-6722 r.alton@trilliumagronomics.ca |
Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington | Guelph | Margaret Ribey | Soil Resource Group | 519-341-2176 mribey@srgresearch.ca |
Bruce Peninsula, Southern Georgian Bay and Lake Simcoe | Desboro | Brandon Dietrich | 226-668-1696 bdietrich@sprucedale.com |
Area surrounding home location | Guelph | Don King | Soil Resource Group | 519-820-3500 dking@srgresearch.ca |
Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington | Atwood | Tina Beirnes | Tina Beirnes Ag Consulting | 519-807-3537 tinabeirnes@gmail.com |
All of Ontario | Listowel | F. Gary Kuper | 226-622-0826 gkuper70@gmail.com |
Eastern Ontario | Winchester | Hugh Metcalfe | Naturaide | 613-794-0190 hughnaturaide@gmail.com |
Southwest Ontario | Tara | Amy Harrison | 519-934-2675 amy.harrison@wsp.com |
Ottawa and Countryside | Ottawa | Erik Apedaile | Apedaile Environmental Inc. | 613-260-2411 erik@apedaile.ca |
Area surrounding home location | St Thomas | Kennedi Roth | Elite Agri Solutions Inc. | 519-953-4479 kennedi@eliteagrisolutions.ca |
Southwest Ontario | Jordan | Josiah Mullet Koop | Elmwood Farms Inc. | 289-990-8860 josiahmk99@gmail.com |
All of Ontario | Kitchener | Jordan Robinson | Triple G Livestock Ltd. | 519-501-2388 jordan.tripleglivestock@gmail.com |
Area surrounding home location | Dresden | Laura Van Arkel | Elite Agri Solutions Inc. | 226-626-0143 laura@eliteagrisolutions.ca |
Area surrounding home location | Little Britain | Brandon Cox | Elite Agri Solutions Inc. | 519-953-4479 brandon@eliteagrisolutions.ca |
All of Ontario | ARTHUR | Gary Van Ankum | Clean Field Services INC | 519-820-3799 garyva@cleanfield.biz |
Eastern Ontario | Prescott | Bryan Cook | Cropland Consulting Inc. | 613-340-4607 cropland1701d@gmail.com |
Southwest Ontario | Watford | Kendra Vanden Ouweland | 519-902-5496 kendravdo@outlook.com |
All of Ontario | Strathroy | Tiny Van Pinxteren | DBMC Inc | 519-245-0135 dbmc@bellnet.ca |
Southwest Ontario | Fergus | Melissa McKeown | 519-831-2224 melissa@1847.ca |
Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington | VARNA | Gregory Boon | Agri-Solve | 519-274-1415 greg@brusselsagromart.ca |
Southwest Ontario | Listowel | Jeffrey Bannerman | Crop Quest Inc | 519-292-0496 jbannerman4@wightman.ca |
Area surrounding home location | Woodstock | Jane Zilke | 519-462-1443 jjzilke@cwisp.ca |
Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington | Brussels | Douglas Koch | Koch Ag Consulting | 519-357-0433 kochagconsult@gmail.com |
All of Ontario | Mitchell | Rosa Vander Kuylen | Crop Quest Inc | 519-301-0593 rosamvk@gmail.com |
All of Ontario | Melancthon | Adrian Simpson | 519-520-4161 simpson.adrian@outlook.com |
Eastern Ontario | Alfred | Georges Erick Tsagué | 613-677-8399 info@cropadvisers.com |
Southwest Ontario | St Ann's | Gerrit Boerema | 289-668-3897 gerritboerema@gmail.com |
All of Ontario | Ottawa | Andrea Sare | Egis | 613-804-9196 andrea.sare@egis-group.com |
All of Ontario | St George Brant | Matt Robillard | Soil Solutions Plus | 905-297-5328 matt@soil-solutions-plus.com |
Eastern Ontario | Prescott | Clare Kinlin | Kinlin Crop Advice Inc | 613-803-0528 kinlincropadvice@gmail.com |
Southwest Ontario | Blenheim | Rick Faber | 519-676-2493 rick.faber@sympatico.ca |
All of Ontario | St. Mary's | Russell Barker | Crop Quest Inc | 519-229-8157 russ.barker@plantpioneer.com |
Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington | Bornholm | Laura Neubrand | 519-301-1413 laura@hoegys.com |
Southwest Ontario | Straffordville | Tristan Coelho | Elite Agri Solutions Inc. | 306-514-7745 trcoelho7@gmail.com |
Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington | Sebringville | Jessica Orr | Hoegys Farm Supply Ltd | 519-301-1885 jessica@hoegys.com |
Southwest Ontario | Chatham | Erica Wilhelmina Van Stryland | KEVS Nutrient Planners | 226-222-4293 kevsnutrientplanners@gmail.com |
Bruce Peninsula, Southern Georgian Bay and Lake Simcoe | Alliston | Marc McKeown | McKeown Agricultural Services | 519-938-6995 marcmckeown5@gmail.com |
Régions couvertes | Domicile | Nom | Nom de l'entreprise | Coordonnées |
Reviewed 12/01/2023